By David Krechevsky
In July, residential customers saw their bills increase by an average of 30% for Eversource and 35% for UI, a shock mirrored by commercial and industrial sectors. Connecticut now has the fourth-most expensive electricity in the U.S., and many companies, including manufacturers, are calling for state action to stabilize energy costs.
The rise in electric bills is largely attributed to a public benefits charge aimed at supporting renewable energy and recouping losses from the pandemic. Eversource reported that commercial customers faced a 57% increase in delivery charges, with small businesses seeing a 42% hike.
This surge has prompted discussions among policymakers about potential legislative actions to address the issue. As the Connecticut Business & Industry Association noted, some businesses experienced delivery charge increases of up to 60% without a change in usage.
For more insights on how businesses are responding to these challenges, read the full article
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